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Medicare Advantage- Beware of scare tactics

What is Medicare Advantage? Medicare Advantage plans are private plans offered by insurance companies to replace your traditional Medicare benefits.

Boomer Alert: CDC Recommends Hepatitis C Screenings

Boomer Alert: CDC Recommends Hepatitis C Screenings The number of Americans dying from Hepatitis C related diseases nearly doubled from 1999 to 2007. And one in 30 baby boomers have been infected and might not even know it. These statistics come to us from the CDC who is now urging that baby boomers get tested […]

Foundation’s Annual Fall Event and Honoree Dinner Announced!

Foundation‚Äôs Annual Fall Event and Honoree Dinner Announced! The New Jersey Foundation for Aging (NJFA) will hold its 5th Annual Fall Fundraising event on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012. The event will begin with a 2 pm Matinee at the George Street Playhouse to see the production, One Slight Hitch. The show is written by The […]

Many Considerations Regarding Social Security Benefits, Who Knew?

Many Considerations Regarding Social Security Benefits, Who Knew? File and Suspend. Sounds like orders for a top secret spy. But no, it is a term used in the world of Social Security benefits. File and suspend means that someone can apply for their Social Security Retirement benefits but then suspend receiving their payments. Why? Well […]

As Senior Population Swells, State Needs to Lift Moratorium on Adult Day Care

But while the NJ Department of Health and Human Services remains hesitant to allow any new centers to open, the demand in New Jersey for home and community-based long term care services is growing and adult day care is a cost effective option. By Roberto Mu?±iz, President and CEO, The Francis E. Parker Memorial

Are you fierce?

Are you fierce? We recently came across an interesting website, www.fiercewithage.com, the site is a call to action for boomers to not fear aging and to resist ageism. The founder of this site is Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. is an author and spiritual advisor. ¬†Dr. Orsborn believes that anti-aging messaging is destructive not only mentally, but […]

Learn more, connect with others and get involved.

Learn more, connect with others and get involved. ¬†Affordable housing, job availability, livable wages, food security these are all key pieces to living and aging well in NJ. A recent article in the Trenton Times highlights the struggle of the homeless in accessing services at three key organizations that provide shelter, food and many other […]

May is Older Americans Month

The theme for Older Americans Month this year is Never Too Old to Play to learn more about this theme and what it means please visit http://olderamericansmonth.org/ ¬†To find out what events might be taking place in your area, contact your County Office on Aging by visiting http://www.njfoundationforaging.org/services.html to find the websites and phone numbers […]

NJFA 14th Annual Conference- Hot Topics- June 14, 2012

NJFA is proud to be hosting our annual conference for the 14th year. We work hard every year to bring new and pertinent topics to the professionals who attend. And this year is no different. We will feature a session about hoarding that is going to look at the ethical and clinical aspects of the […]

Register Online! NJFA’s 14th Annual Conference

Register Online! NJFA‚Äôs 14th Annual Conference ¬†NJFA‚Äôs 14th Annual Conference, ‚ÄúAddressing the Needs of Diverse Populations‚Äù will be held on Thursday June 14th at the Crowne Plaza Monroe. ¬†And you can register online at https://secure.americanweb.net/njfoundationforaging/ ¬†In addition to our two keynote speakers, Linda Couch of the National Low Income Housing Coalition and Suzanne Braun Levine […]