Our Blog

Did you know? Family Leave Insurance

Did you know? Family Leave Insurance Imagine this scenario- your mom lives alone and has a hip replacement. Who is going to help her while she recovers? Chances are you‚Äôll have to take time off of work to do so. But there may be some help available to ease your financial concerns. NJ passed the […]

NJFA takes part in Retirement Gathering for a Founding Trustee

¬†NJFA takes part in Retirement Gathering for a Founding Trustee Trenton‚ÄîThe New Jersey Foundation for Aging (NJFA) participated in the retirement gathering on January 2, 2013 for one of NFJA‚Äôs founding Trustees, Margaret Chester. Peg has served as a regional director for Green Thumb (a senior employment program),¬† a board member of the National Association […]

Go Direct

Go Direct NJFA has done a number of blogs about Go Direct, a campaign alerting those who receive Federal Benefits (such as Social Security) that they must sign up for Direct Deposit for those benefits by March 1, 2013 as US Treasury will no longer issue paper checks after that date. There are two options, […]

The Affects of Sandy for Seniors

The Affects of Sandy for Seniors NJFA has partnered with NCOA on a few occasions to share a common message or service. NCOA‚Äôs One Away campaign has been something that NJFA has tweeted or facebooked about because we understand that many seniors (and many families) are one illness, one accident, on job loss away from […]

The Social Security Administration Encourages You to be on the Look Out for Scams

The Social Security Administration Encourages You to be on the Look Out for Scams Disaster scams are still out there. The Social Security Administration (SSA) issued another warning last week. The scammers are making phone calls and sending emails, posing as FEMA or SSA employees. They ask¬† for your Social Security number¬† and bank information, […]

Go Direct- Deadline approaching

One important thing to know from anyone receiving Federal benefits is that by March 1, 2013 you need to switch to Direct Deposit.

In the aftermath of Sandy

In the aftermath of Sandy Many New Jerseyans were affected by Hurricane Sandy, a number of them seniors. In the past two weeks since then we‚Äôve seen many images of destruction and heard many stories of days without power. If you are still in need of assistance as you recover from the damage Sandy left […]

Flu Season 2012

Seasonal (or common) influenza is a respiratory illness that can be spread from person to person and is caused by human influenza viruses.¬† WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF THE FLU? Fever Cough Sore Throat Body Aches Headache Flu season usually runs from October until May. The CDC recommends that you get a flu shot before […]

Medicare Billing Issues- Be Informed

Being an educated patient is your best defense

Fraud is still out there.

Scammers continue to target seniors.