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Our Blog

Planning Ahead for Disaster And Staying Safe!

By Mason Crane-Bolton   As the last days of a warm and sticky New Jersey summer fade into a cooler fall, we are reminded of all the lovely seasonal changes‚ the bright green leaves turn to flame-like colors before browning and falling, the lighter summer clothes are changed out for warmer seasonal wear and we […]

Preventing Falls at Home

Preventing Falls at Home Falls are not inevitable; it isn‚Äôt something that just happens as you get older. Falls are linked to a specific cause. ¬†It could be that more than one underlying cause or risk factor is involved in a fall. Falls can be linked to a person’s physical condition or a medical problem, […]

Aging Insights and You- Fall Prevention

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Volunteers in NJ

Volunteering in NJ Data from 2007 and 2008 showed that about 26% of the American population volunteered. This, according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics means that over 61 million people volunteered between 2007 and 2008. Volunteers were fairly evenly distributed over the age groupings of 35-44 (31%), 45-54 (29.9%) and 55 to […]