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Our Blog

It’s That Time of the Year‚ÄîMedicare Open Enrollment

This week’s guest blog is provided by Charles Clarkson, Esq. This article, originally posted in issue #21 of the New Jersey Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) newsletter¬†Advocate, will cover Medicare Open Enrollment, your options, and information about Medicare scams. By Charles Clarkson, Esq. Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County Project Director, Senior Medicare Patrol of New […]


MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT ARE YOU AWARE OF YOUR CHOICES? Charles Clarkson, Esq. Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County, Project Director/VP, Senior Medicare Patrol of New Jersey ¬† Every year between October 15 and December 7, during a period known as ?¢‚Ǩ?ìOpen Enrollment,?¢‚Ǩ¬ù Medicare beneficiaries can make changes in their Medicare coverage. The Senior Medicare Patrol […]

Medicare Open Enrollment Starts Today (Oct. 15th)

Medicare Open Enrollment Starts Today (Oct. 15th) Open Enrollment is happening now. From October 15th to December 7th you can make changes to your Medicare coverage. What changes can you make? If you are enrolled in Original Medicare, you can join a Medicare Advantage plan with or without drug coverage. These plans are private companies […]

Medicare Open Enrollment ends December 7th

Medicare Open Enrollment ends December 7th Open Enrollment is coming to a close soon. Every year Medicare gives you the opportunity to review your coverage and make changes. This year the Open Enrollment period is October 15 to December 7. This is when people with Medicare can change their Medicare health plan and prescription drug […]

Medicare Advantage- Beware of scare tactics

What is Medicare Advantage? Medicare Advantage plans are private plans offered by insurance companies to replace your traditional Medicare benefits.

Medicare Open Enrollment Period

Did you know new prescription drug and health plan coverage choices are offered every year? Every fall, all people with Medicare should review their current coverage.Up next, Medigap details and enrollment information. Stay tuned!