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Energy Tips

Energy Tips The heat is on outside and your air conditioning is probably running overtime inside. This could result in high utility bills. PSE&G offers the following tips that could help conserve energy and save you money!¬† Turn off everything you are not using; lights, tvs, computers, etc. Use dimmers, timers and motion detectors on […]

As Senior Population Swells, State Needs to Lift Moratorium on Adult Day Care

But while the NJ Department of Health and Human Services remains hesitant to allow any new centers to open, the demand in New Jersey for home and community-based long term care services is growing and adult day care is a cost effective option. By Roberto Mu?±iz, President and CEO, The Francis E. Parker Memorial

NJFA’s 14th Annual Conference aims to bring you evidence based and successful community outreach models.

NJFA‚Äôs 14th Annual Conference aims to bring you evidence based and successful community outreach models. One topic being covered on June 14th is community health and wellness. Exercise can decrease bone loss, increase bone density, and reduce your risk of fractures. Exercise is not only good for the bones but also for your heart health, […]

May is Older Americans Month

The theme for Older Americans Month this year is Never Too Old to Play to learn more about this theme and what it means please visit http://olderamericansmonth.org/ ¬†To find out what events might be taking place in your area, contact your County Office on Aging by visiting http://www.njfoundationforaging.org/services.html to find the websites and phone numbers […]

Are you a Boomer who feels squished like a sandwich?

between 2007 and 2009 multigenerational households shot up more than 10 percent

NJFA 14th Annual Conference- Hot Topics- June 14, 2012

NJFA is proud to be hosting our annual conference for the 14th year. We work hard every year to bring new and pertinent topics to the professionals who attend. And this year is no different. We will feature a session about hoarding that is going to look at the ethical and clinical aspects of the […]

To Smart Phone or not to Smart Phone?

Some of you may have even struggled with the idea of a cell phone at all. You may have laughed at how many young people relied on them. You probably hated it when you finally caved and got a cell phone. Now, you see all your kids, grandkids and maybe even some friends with an […]

It’s Tax Time- How to Get Volunteer Tax Help

Volunteer Tax Help Yes, it is time to think about filing your 2011 tax returns. It‚Äôs a job that is never a joy, but could be less of a hassle, if you try using a terrific free service – the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA).¬† ¬†For over 30 years, the VITA force of 2,000+ […]

NJ-EESI Update

In 2009, NJFA released a report called, the Elder Economic Security Index (EESI). The Index tells us the cost of living for seniors in all 21 counties in NJ. The Elder Economic Security Standard‚Ñ¢ Index (Elder Index) methodology was developed by the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston, in partnership with Wider Opportunities […]

New Episode- Aging Insights!

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