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Acupuncuture, You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

Medicaid Myths in Long Term Care

You may have heard a friend, family member or neighbor tell a story about an elderly relative that had ‚Äúall their money taken by a nursing home‚Äù or ‚Äúthe state took all their money when they went into the nursing home‚Äù.¬† This is another one of those myths regarding coverage of long term care, like […]

Medicare Myths

According to a study done by Prudential in 2009 37% of people think that Medicare will cover their long-term care costs. This is false. Medicare does not pay for long-term care. Medicare is also not free, there is a monthly premium associated with Medicare Part B.

2010 Conference Session: Ethical & Legal Response: Identifying and Reporting Elder Abuse

At NJFA‚Äôs 12th Annual Conference on June 10th we were pleased to offer a workshop titled, ‚ÄúThe Ethical and Legal Response: Identifying and Reporting Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation‚Äù. This session featured, David Ricci, State Coordinator of Adult Protective Services; Pat Bohse, Manager, NJ4A; Linda Murtagh- Social Work Supervisor, Ocean County Board of Social Services; […]

More about NJFA’s 12th Annual Conference!

Offering welcoming remarks at the New Jersey Foundation for Aging‚Äôs conference this year was Patricia Polansky, Assistant Commissioner from the Dept. of Health and Senior Services.¬† We were pleased to have Pat join us and kick off the day! Her remarks began with comments about the budget and fiscal concerns for the State. However, the […]

Healthcare Reform and New Jersey

Healthcare Reform and New Jersey As you may know, the Senate is currently debating healthcare reform.¬† The many amendments that are pending each require 60 votes to pass. We‚Äôve all witnessed much debate and questioning on this topic, what we aim to do here is breakdown some of the key issues as well as, discuss […]