Best Intergenerational Community Awards Generations United and MetLife Foundation will recognize up to 5 communities with the first-ever Best Intergenerational Communities Awards. Generations United is the national membership organization focused solely on improving the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational strategies, programs, and public policies.¬† You can find out more about them […]
Tag: GU
Shared Sites
At NJFA‚Äôs June 10th Conference, Donna Butts from Generations United presented a keynote on Shared Sites, serving diverse groups. Shared Sites are defined as ‚Äúprograms where older adults and young people receive services at the same site and both generations interact during regularly scheduled intergenerational activities.‚Äù Generations United refers to these centers as, ‚ÄúIntergenerational Shared […]