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Our Blog

Shared Sites

At NJFA‚Äôs June 10th Conference, Donna Butts from Generations United presented a keynote on Shared Sites, serving diverse groups. Shared Sites are defined as ‚Äúprograms where older adults and young people receive services at the same site and both generations interact during regularly scheduled intergenerational activities.‚Äù Generations United refers to these centers as, ‚ÄúIntergenerational Shared […]

2010 Conference Session: Ethical & Legal Response: Identifying and Reporting Elder Abuse

At NJFA‚Äôs 12th Annual Conference on June 10th we were pleased to offer a workshop titled, ‚ÄúThe Ethical and Legal Response: Identifying and Reporting Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation‚Äù. This session featured, David Ricci, State Coordinator of Adult Protective Services; Pat Bohse, Manager, NJ4A; Linda Murtagh- Social Work Supervisor, Ocean County Board of Social Services; […]

NJFA 12th Annual Conference!

NJFA’s 12th Annual Conference was held on Thursday June 10, 2010

NJFA’s 12th Annual Conference! June 10, 2010!

Visit for the online brochure and registration form or call NJFA at 609-421-0206. Registration forms can be mailed to 176 West State St, Trenton, NJ 08608 or faxed to 609-421-2006.