Our Blog

Learn more, connect with others and get involved.

Learn more, connect with others and get involved. ¬†Affordable housing, job availability, livable wages, food security these are all key pieces to living and aging well in NJ. A recent article in the Trenton Times highlights the struggle of the homeless in accessing services at three key organizations that provide shelter, food and many other […]

NJFA 14th Annual Conference- Hot Topics- June 14, 2012

NJFA is proud to be hosting our annual conference for the 14th year. We work hard every year to bring new and pertinent topics to the professionals who attend. And this year is no different. We will feature a session about hoarding that is going to look at the ethical and clinical aspects of the […]

Register Online! NJFA’s 14th Annual Conference

Register Online! NJFA‚Äôs 14th Annual Conference ¬†NJFA‚Äôs 14th Annual Conference, ‚ÄúAddressing the Needs of Diverse Populations‚Äù will be held on Thursday June 14th at the Crowne Plaza Monroe. ¬†And you can register online at https://secure.americanweb.net/njfoundationforaging/ ¬†In addition to our two keynote speakers, Linda Couch of the National Low Income Housing Coalition and Suzanne Braun Levine […]

NJ-EESI Update

In 2009, NJFA released a report called, the Elder Economic Security Index (EESI). The Index tells us the cost of living for seniors in all 21 counties in NJ. The Elder Economic Security Standard‚Ñ¢ Index (Elder Index) methodology was developed by the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston, in partnership with Wider Opportunities […]

Medicare Open Enrollment Period

Did you know new prescription drug and health plan coverage choices are offered every year? Every fall, all people with Medicare should review their current coverage.Up next, Medigap details and enrollment information. Stay tuned!

Utility Assistance

PSE&G has recognized that many of their customers have fallen on hard times and so they’ve come up with a new program to offer assistance.The program is called TRUE, Temporary Relief for Utility Expenses and it is designed to help moderate income households who are having difficulty paying their PSE&G bill.

Excessive Heat Warning This Week!

There may be a cooling center in your area or other assistance available for those who need to escape the heat.

Affordable Care Act: Fact 4

Fact # 4: The law will improve care for older adults in other ways besides changes to Medicare.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Facts: Part 2 in a Series

The ACA will reduce Medicare spending growth, extend Medicare solvency and is projected to reduce the budget deficit.

Medicaid Myths in Long Term Care

You may have heard a friend, family member or neighbor tell a story about an elderly relative that had ‚Äúall their money taken by a nursing home‚Äù or ‚Äúthe state took all their money when they went into the nursing home‚Äù.¬† This is another one of those myths regarding coverage of long term care, like […]