Register Online! NJFA‚Äôs 14th Annual Conference ¬†NJFA‚Äôs 14th Annual Conference, ‚ÄúAddressing the Needs of Diverse Populations‚Äù will be held on Thursday June 14th at the Crowne Plaza Monroe. ¬†And you can register online at ¬†In addition to our two keynote speakers, Linda Couch of the National Low Income Housing Coalition and Suzanne Braun Levine […]
Tag: Annual Conference
Identity Theft- Next steps
Identity Theft ¬†We all know by now that we are supposed to carefully guard our social security number. You may have read some safety tips here on this blog or in Renaissance magazine. So, what do you do if your Social Security number is misused? ¬†The Social Security Administration protects your Social Security number and […]
NJFA 14th Annual Conference!
NJFA will hold its 14th Annual Conference on Thursday, June 14th at the Crowne Plaza Monroe. This year’s conference, titled, Addressing the Needs of Diverse Populations will feature two nationally recognized keynote speakers.
NJ-EESI Update
In 2009, NJFA released a report called, the Elder Economic Security Index (EESI). The Index tells us the cost of living for seniors in all 21 counties in NJ. The Elder Economic Security Standard‚Ñ¢ Index (Elder Index) methodology was developed by the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston, in partnership with Wider Opportunities […]
Medicare Open Enrollment Period
Did you know new prescription drug and health plan coverage choices are offered every year? Every fall, all people with Medicare should review their current coverage.Up next, Medigap details and enrollment information. Stay tuned!
Tips for Caregivers
A critical part an older adult remaining in the community is support from family and friends. Some of that support comes in the form of a family caregiver. …. Furthermore, they found that 65% of those caregivers were female and many worked a job in addition to providing care.
Excessive Heat Warning This Week!
There may be a cooling center in your area or other assistance available for those who need to escape the heat.
How Are You Being Creative
How are you being creative? In the recent issue of Renaissance Magazine (May/June 2011) we featured an article by Mercer County Office on Aging Director, Eileen Doremus. In the article Ms. Doremus talks about creative ways to engage older adults living in residential care settings (assisted livings, nursing facilities, etc). The article also featured some […]
New Program from NJ Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency to help those facing foreclosure
New Program from NJ Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency to help those facing foreclosureThe program is called New Jersey HomeKeeper and it will be available starting May 9, 2011
Five Meals, One Chicken- Money Saving Options
We thought we’d share with you a way to not just get 2 meals out of one chicken, but 5 meals! What recipes would you use?