The County Offices on Aging were established by the Older Americans Act and are your first point of contact for services and resources. All 21 counties in NJ have their own office (see contact information below) and are available to help you with information and assistance or to screen you for county, state and local programs.
Hunterdon County Division of Senior, Disabilities and Veteran's Services
Toll-free: 1-877-222-3737
Monmouth County Division of Aging, Disabilities and Veterans Services
Morris County Division on Aging, Disabilities & Community Programming
Toll-free: 1-800-564-4656
Passaic County Department of Senior Services Disability and Veterans Affairs
Age-Friendly North Jersey is a growing network dedicated to making the communities where we live, work, and play better for longer, healthier, and more equitable lives.
The United Nations Principles for Older Persons, based on the International Plan of Action on Ageing, are the foundation for the Age-friendly Cities approach.
Age-friendly care is health care based on what research shows are the most important things to pay attention to as we get older - the 4Ms: what Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility.
The New Jersey Age-Friendly Virtual Fair highlighted multiple speakers in the Age-Friendly movement in New Jersey.
"Age-Friendly Community Initiatives in Their Maturity: Insights on Accomplishments and Sustainability," by E. Greenfield, N. Pope and A. Pestine-Stevens.
Download the NJ Future report, "Creating Great Places to Age for Every Person in Every Neighborhood"
Adult Children of Aging Parents provides information, resources, support and community for adult-children as they care for their aging parents and for themselves
This site is designed to help you find information and resources for you or your loved one while facing aging and disability issues
A partnership between Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging and Family Caregiver Alliance
Care2Caregivers provides free help and support for anyone concerned about or caring for someone with memory issues or other complex needs. (800) 424-2494
Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey is an interfaith nonprofit agency dedicated to providing free supportive services to the frail elderly and the home-bound.
Comprehensive Services on Aging (COPSA) provides compassionate, state-of-the-art mental health care for individuals and families in NJ.
Earned Sick Leave is the law in New Jersey, providing workers with up to 40 hours of earned sick leave per year so they can care for themselves or a loved one,
Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) has created an array of new resources including tip sheets in Spanish, Chinese and other languages.
For NJ resources and local chapters of organizations.
NJ Family Leave Insurance provides NJ workers cash benefits for up to twelve weeks to provide care for a seriously ill (including COVID-19) or injured loved one. (609) 292-7060
The New Jersey Personal Preference Program (PPP) offers an alternative way for NJ FamilyCare Plan members who qualify for the Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services to remain in their home with support.
The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers promotes caregivers’ health, strength, and resilience
The New Jersey Statewide Respite Care Program gives a short-term or periodic break to family (or other caregivers) from the demands of daily care for functionally impaired persons, including the frail elderly.
United Way Caregivers Coalition offers family caregivers support, information, resources, and education to help them with their vital role. serves as a national legal resource in support of grandfamilies within and outside the child welfare system.
The Kinship Navigator program provides information, referral, financial assistance and legal services to caregivers raising children.
The Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) of New Jersey helps adults, seniors and caregivers find benefits and services. 877-222-3737
The Greater New Jersey Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association serves and supports fourteen counties in Central and Northern New Jersey
MyHealthfinder is a trusted source of information provided by the US Department of Helth and Human Services to help your family stay healthy.
The Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center makes assistive technology more accessible to individuals with disabilities throughout the state of New Jersey. (609) 292-9742
The Practitioners Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form gives specific care instructions related to a patient’s personal goals of care, artificial nutrition, resuscitation and re-hospitalization.
The Conversation Project® is a public engagement initiative of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to help everyone talk about their wishes for care through the end of life.
Center for the Heart is a nonprofit that provides end-of-life services to individuals and families in New Jersey
WebMD has partnered with The John A. Hartford Foundation to create a series of videos featuring the 4Ms of age-friendly care — what Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility — and diagnostic excellence for older adults.
“Age-Friendly Health Systems: A Guide to Using the 4Ms While Caring for Older Adults” provides an easy-to-use manual for implementing evidence-based practices that enable health systems to become more age friendly and focus on what matters most to older patients.
The New Jersey Assisted Living Provider Coalition has produced a detailed primer on the ALPS programs
The E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aginghas online educational programs that provide basic knowledge for mental health clinician working with older adults
CSH's Healthy Aging in Supportive Housing Toolkit for service providers, developers, and property managers
The Monmouth University School of Social Work Professional Education Program (PEP) offers a continuing education certificate program - The Certificate in Aging.
These JAHF videos on Medscape, created in partnership with WebMD, about age-friendly care can earn you CE credits for a number of professionals, including: Physicians, ABIM Diplomates, Nurses, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants & more
This website serves as a central hub for information on state-administered property tax relief programs specifically designed for older adults.
This statewide service connects people to senior services, shelters, affordable housing units, social services and more. Free, confidential, multilingual and available 24/7/365. Visit online or dial 2-1-1.
New Jersey’s Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) program provides financial assistance for eligible homeowners who have experienced a significant decrease of income or increase of expenses due to COVID-19.
Connects low- and moderate-income households with assistance to help pay for energy (gas, electric), water, communications and environmental resources. Visit online or call 609-883-1626 or 866-657-4273.
Property tax relief program information provided is based on current law and subject to change.
I Choose Home, also known as Money Follows the Person moves people out of nursing homes with supports and services.
973-275-1175 The Community Health Law Project provides legal representation and advocacy services to low-income individuals with disabilities and the frail elderly.
To report abuse or neglect, call the office in your county.
The NCEA provides the latest information regarding research, training, best practices, news and resources on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Provides trained volunteers to serve as legal guardians to incapacitated adults in central NJ
The New Jersey State Bar Association Foundation has a range of free events and publications for Senior citizens, including "Law Points for Senior Citizens."
Garden State Equality is the largest LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in New Jersey
Garden State Equality’s Affirming Healthcare Map is a directory of healthcare providers that have proactively identified themselves as LGBTQ-friendly.
This nationwide U.S. Administration on Aging resource links older adults and caregivers seeking assistance with state and local agencies on aging as well as community-based organizations. Call 800-677-1116.
This dashboard aims to provide Garden State residents with the information they need to choose a safe quality long-term care facility for their loved ones.
Compare your options for Medicare coverage, including Medicare advantage plans and supplements. 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)
Get help from your state paying your Medicare Part A which covers inpatient hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and some home health care.
For assistance with Medicare premiums, prescription costs and other living expenses (PAAD, Sr. Gold, Medicare Saving Programs, Lifeline and more). Call toll-free 1-800-792-9745.
Senior Medicare Patrols (SMPs) assist Medicare beneficiaries prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse . (877) SMP-4359
For medical counseling and general aging services questions. Call toll-free 1-800-792-8820.
NJ Department of Human Services has a free, confidential, on-line tool to connect New Jerseyans in need with addiction treatment care and information about available programs.
The National Rehab Hotline is free and available 24/7/365 to help anyone struggling through a substance use or mental health crisis get immediate help.
The 988 number provides free and confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress via call, text or chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the U.S.
Disability Rights NJ support NJ's disabled residents with self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration into all facets of community life.
JACC is a State-funded program providing a broad array of in-home and community-based services to individuals age 60+ who meet clinical eligibility
NJSave is an online application to help low-income older adults and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums, prescription costs, and other living expenses.
The Division of Aging Services (DoAS) administers a number of federal and state-funded programs that make it easier for older adults to live in the community with independence, dignity and choice, as long as possible. 800-792-8820
Garden State Community Outreach is a program finder to help identify which cost-saving and life-changing programs you may be eligible for.
Find food support resources, including SNAP benefits, immediate food, congregate meals,
See if you are eligible for food assistance, cash assistance and health insurance and apply for services or learn about additional resources.
For assistance and information on a wide range of benefits, call 2-1-1, or text your zip code to 898-211 or visit their website
This nonprofit provides financial counseling to consumers in the areas of personal finance, consumer credit, student loans, foreclosure prevention and housing. Visit online or call toll-free 1-800-772-4557.
NJ residents with special needs and disabilities are encouraged to add their personal information to the special needs registry, NJ Register Ready.
BenefitsCheckUp® is a comprehensive online tool to connect older adults and people with disabilities to benefits. See if you may be eligible and find out where to apply online or how to get help from a benefits counselor.
The Social Security Administration offers a range of services on line. For frequently asked questions you can answer online, visit their website:
National Disability Institute can help you find & afford assistive technology with the Assistive Technology (AT) Loan Program provides affordable loans of up to $45,000 for the purchase or refinance of assistive technology to residents of NJ.
BenefitsCheckUp® is a comprehensive online tool to connect older adults and people with disabilities to benefits. See if you may be eligible and find out where to apply online or how to get help from a benefits counselor.
The Social Security Administration offers a range of services on line. For frequently asked questions you can answer online, visit their website:
National Disability Institute can help you find & afford assistive technology with the Assistive Technology (AT) Loan Program provides affordable loans of up to $45,000 for the purchase or refinance of assistive technology to residents of NJ.
CarFit is a community-based educational program that promotes continued safe driving and mobility among older drivers by focusing attention on safety, comfort and fit.
NJ TRANSIT's ADA paratransit program, Access Link, provides public transportation to people with disabilities who are unable to use the local bus service according to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
ADED trains and certifies the therapists and driver educators who perform driving evaluations and in vehicle training
Every NJ county offers a transportation service for persons with disability and older adults. To learn more about these community transportation options visit their website or call your county Office on Aging
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration outlines the physical effects of aging, as well as tips on coping with them so that you remain a safe driver as long as you can.
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission provides lists of driver courses throughout the state
The New Jersey Travel Independence Program (NJTIP) increases the independence and self-sufficiency of people with disabilities, older adults and others by empowering them to use the public transit system safely and independently.
NJ TRANSIT provides accessible services to people with disabilities and senior citizens, separate from Access Link. NJ TRANSIT charges half-price fare for persons age 62+. (973) 275-5555 (800) 772-2287 TTY for the hearing impaired.
NJ 2-1-1 provides information on transportation by phone or through their website. Dial 211
NHTSA's Be Healthy, Walk Safely program has safety tips for older adults
This website provides a guide to resources related to mature driver safe driving, having a conversation when an older driver seeks to limit or stop driving, and mobility options after the individual has stopped driving.
TSA Cares provides information on screening procedures pertaining to those with disabilities, medical conditions, and other circumstances as well as coordinates assistance through checkpoint screening via the Passenger Support Specialist (PSS) program
The National Council on Aging has comprehensive information on Safe Driving with Hearing Loss.