Our Blog

NJ seniors and providers have their say!

NJ seniors and providers have their say! The NJ Foundation for Aging (NJFA) seldom works alone. A recent example of this joint learning and teamwork resulted in the three regional forums in NJ to address the themes of the 2015 White House Conference on Aging. NJFA was joined by the NJ County Offices of Disability, […]

Elder Index Data Sheets Available

Since 2008 the New Jersey Foundation for Aging (NJFA) has been working on the NJ Elder Index. With the first official release in 2009 the Elder Index tells us what it cost a person over 65 to live in NJ. And not just statewide average, but a cost of living index for all 21 counties. […]

Robo-Call Scams

Robo-Call Scams Here at NJFA, both Grace and I (Melissa) have received calls on our cell phones claiming to be from ‚ÄúCardholder Services‚Äù. The recorded voice does not specify the credit card company but urges you to contact them about your account. We‚Äôve also heard recently from others who have received similar calls, as well […]

Announcing NJFA’s 17th Annual Conference!

Announcing NJFA‚Äôs 17th Annual Conference! NJFA will hold its 17th Annual Conference on Wednesday, June 3rd at the Crowne Plaza Monroe. The 2015 Keynote Speakers are James Firman, CEO of NCOA and Nora Dowd Eisenhower, Assistant Director of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Office of Financial Protection for Older Americans. Jim Firman will address the […]

Federally Qualified Health Centers Providing Quality Health Care to New Jersey’s Aging Adults

In the Winter 2015 issue of Renaissance magazine we featured an article about Federally Qualified Health Centers. The full article is below. Federally Qualified Health Centers Providing Quality Health Care to New Jersey‚Äôs Aging Adults Linda Whitfield-Spinner,¬† DMH, LCSW, PCMH CCE Quality Program Director New Jersey Primary Care Association, Inc. Twentieth-century advances in medicine have […]

Job hunting over 50

Job hunting over 50 Looking for a new job over 50 might not sound like an easy task, but it is possible. And there are some steps you can take to increase your success. Keep busy. Be a self starter. You can remain active by consulting, writing articles or blogs. It‚Äôs a mistake to take […]


Helen Hunter is a Social Worker and Geriatric Case Manager who often writes for Renaissance Magazine (NJFA’s online magazine for seniors, boomers and caregivers!) which you can view at http://www.njfoundationforaging.org/renaissance-magazine/ Here is a piece she has agreed to share with us on the blog, which is very appropriate for the season. Be sure to read […]

SCAM ALERT: Mystery Shopper Scam

It‚Äôs the Holiday season and everyone is busy doing their shopping and preparing for celebrations. There‚Äôs that special feeling in the air and you‚Äôd like to think everyone is jolly. However, we have to remember not to let our guard down, because scam artists are out there waiting to snag you during this magical time […]

NJFA to host Honoree Event and Celebration, December 7th

NJFA to host Honoree Event and Celebration, December 7th Trenton‚ÄîThe New Jersey Foundation for Aging (NJFA) will host the Fall Honoree Event on Sunday, December 7th. The program will begin with a 2 pm matinee at the George Street Playhouse to see the production The Fabulous Lipitones. The show is a new musical comedy. Following […]

Encore Presentation!

¬†Encore Presentation! ¬†NJFA is pleased to announce that we will be hosting an Encore Presentation of two sessions offered at our June conference. If you were unable to attend in June or if you did attend and did not get to these sessions, now is your chance! ¬†Also, please send this along to any colleagues […]