Our Blog

Foundation’s 2016 Honoree Event

The New Jersey Foundation for Aging (NJFA) will host its 2016 Honoree Luncheon Event on Sunday, Nov 13th at the Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank. This annual event is an opportunity to recognize the work of others that enable NJFA to advance its mission-aligned activities. NJFA focuses on policy to address senior and caregiver […]


Don‚Äôt hide your caregiving issues under a rock. A lot of caregivers downplay their roles. ‚ÄúOh, me, I‚Äôm not a caregiver, I just take my mom to doctor appointments‚Äù. ‚ÄúI help my Aunt go grocery shopping and with housework, I wouldn‚Äôt say I‚Äôm a caregiver‚Äù. But these tasks are part of caregiving. Sure, some caregivers […]

Aging Rocks!

For our magazine, Renaissance, we feature a senior profile in each issue. The senior profile is a way to highlight positive aging and showcase seniors who are an inspiration to their community. Recently, we wrote a blog about a local community art project that has inspired one NJ town to share kindness through artwork- http://blog.njfoundationforaging.org/?p=622 […]

Rock Art Inspires NJ Town

Never underestimate the power of community. Lora Durr did not expect that one little art project could grow into a community phenomenon and social media craze. Ms. Durr is an art teacher at Hamilton Township‚Äôs Crockett Middle School and she is always striving to bring her students fun, thoughtful lessons which also inspire the whole […]

Medicare Reminders

Medicare Reminders Some of us do not want to think about summer coming to an end, but surely it will soon. Before we know it, we‚Äôll be talking about Medicare Open Enrollment (October 15-December 7). In the meantime, we want to remind you about some of the Medicare benefits you should be taking advantage of. […]

ATM Safety

ATM Safety Despite all the advancements in credit/debit card protections- like the new chip system- scammers are still targeting consumers in one of the most vulnerable transactions- the ATM. You may have noticed when you got a new credit or debit card or noticed at the store that they have a new machine. It‚Äôs all […]

Hot Enough for Ya? Make sure it’s safe enough for ya!

During the summer months, you should be careful when temperatures rise. We can expect several heat waves this summer and you‚Äôll want to know how to stay cool. When¬†temperatures hit the 90’s it can be dangerous to be outdoors for too long.¬†¬† Children, older adults, people with disabilities and pets are most at risk during […]

Water, creating a balance is essential.

Water, creating a balance is essential. In the NY Times Science Section‚Äôs Well, Personal Health column on May 10, Jane Brody shares her experience with mild dehydration after two very physically active days.¬† She cites Professor Barry Popkin who talks about things we do not truly know about water, like how hydration impacts our health […]

Preventing Falls at Home

Preventing Falls at Home Falls are not inevitable; it isn‚Äôt something that just happens as you get older. Falls are linked to a specific cause. ¬†It could be that more than one underlying cause or risk factor is involved in a fall. Falls can be linked to a person’s physical condition or a medical problem, […]

Take the American Medicine Chest 5 Step Challenge

Prescription Drug Safety and Disposal Take the American Medicine Chest 5 Step Challenge By: Angelo M. Valente The American Medicine Chest Challenge (AMCC) is a community based public health initiative, with law enforcement partnership, designed to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and provide a nationwide day of disposal ‚Äì at a […]