Our Blog

Aging Greatness: Great Achievements by Older Adults!

As a culture we tend to praise accomplishments as if there were an age limit. We like to focus on achievements made by people under a ‚Äúcertain age‚Äù as if we think ‚ÄúThe younger, the better!‚Äù But achievements, major accomplishments, even fame and fortune, don‚Äôt have a cut-off age. There‚Äôs nothing wrong with celebrating accomplishments […]

It’s That Time of the Year‚ÄîMedicare Open Enrollment

This week’s guest blog is provided by Charles Clarkson, Esq. This article, originally posted in issue #21 of the New Jersey Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) newsletter¬†Advocate, will cover Medicare Open Enrollment, your options, and information about Medicare scams. By Charles Clarkson, Esq. Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County Project Director, Senior Medicare Patrol of New […]

Staying Active—Go4Life Month

Did you know September is Go4Life month? Go4Life month is, ‚Äúan exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging at NIH‚Ķdesigned to help you fit exercise and physical activity into your daily life.‚Äù Inspired by Go4Life month, we‚Äôd like to share with you some of our tips for getting into (and sticking […]

Planning Ahead for Disaster And Staying Safe!

By Mason Crane-Bolton   As the last days of a warm and sticky New Jersey summer fade into a cooler fall, we are reminded of all the lovely seasonal changes‚ the bright green leaves turn to flame-like colors before browning and falling, the lighter summer clothes are changed out for warmer seasonal wear and we […]

Cybersecurity: Where does it begin? Where does it end?

Mitchell Feather, Vice-President, Creative Associates   It seems like every day brings news of more cyber threats and breaches, which seems to leave you with more questions than answers. Has my information been stolen? How should I respond? What can I do to protect myself? What can I do to detect and avoid threats? Companies […]

The Village Movement

The Village Movement By Julie Dalton, Executive Director Gramatan Village, Bronxville, NY The Village Movement is a nationwide trend of grassroots organizations that develop creative strategies to address local needs. The Village Movement started with Beacon Hill Village in Boston in 2002, and today there are 200 villages operating in 45 states and the District […]

Let’s Talk About It

On Tuesday, June 12th NJFA will host it’s 20th Annual Conference. This year’s conference title is Models, Policies and Prescriptions for Healthy Aging. We have an agenda full of great presenters and topics, you can learn more by visiting our website. NJFA is honored that our Luncheon Keynote will be presented by Dr. Alison Thomas-Cottingham. […]

Recent Developments in D.C. To Combat Financial Abuse of the Elderly

Recent Developments in D.C. To Combat Financial Abuse of the Elderly by Robert M. Jaworski, Esq. Financial abuse of the elderly is getting some attention in Washington these days, and, some say, it‚Äôs about time.¬† On February 22, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and law enforcement partners announced[1] the largest coordinated sweep of elder fraud […]

MEDICARE — 2018 and Beyond

MEDICARE ‚Äî 2018 and Beyond By Charles Clarkson, Esq. Project Director/VP, Senior Medicare Patrol of New Jersey Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County New Medicare Cards Starting in April 2018, new Medicare cards will be issued. These new cards will remove the Social Security numbers from the cards. This is a significant change for Medicare […]