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Scams and Tech, Part 3: Kicking Scammers to the Curb

By Mason Crane-Bolton We’ve already given you some tips to protect yourself against the scammers we’ve listed in this series, but what else can you do? How can you best ensure you’re safe from scams and scammers? Sadly, there is no silver bullet, no perfect solution that will guarantee you’ll never be in contact with […]

Scams and Tech, Part 2: Sweetheart Scams

By Mason Crane-Bolton In part one of our tech-scams series, we talked about the all-pervasive en-masse scams, the kinds of scams that flood your inbox and phone. Today we talk about a scam more sinister and possibly more dangerous, the romance scam. Romance scams, also known as “sweetheart” scams, are one of the most prevalent […]

Scams and Tech, Part 1: The En Masse Scams

By Mason Crane-Bolton We know about tech. We know about scams—scams where older adults are often the target. But what do we know about how tech and scams overlap? Wherever you live and however tech-savvy you consider yourself, it’s more than likely you encounter scams on an almost daily basis. Many of these scams may […]

Detour the Dumpster‚ A Better Approach to Overwhelming Clutter

By Guest Bloggers Carolyn Quinn and Jaime Angelini The people we meet who have “too much stuff” won’t ever be followed by a camera crew that captures shots of perilous, towering stacks of papers, bins or boxes. There will never be split screen comparisons of their house or apartment before and after workers and family […]

A New Year, a New Start – Time to Declutter!

by Mason Crane-Bolton It‚Äôs a new year and that means a new start! After all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season (and the inevitable clutter for so many of us), now is the perfect time to do a bit of ‚Äúspring‚Äù cleaning. We have some excellent tips for a good cleaning and de-cluttering, […]

Who is a Caregiver?

As we welcome November we also welcome National Caregivers Month. But, while it can be easy to recognize the month, it‚Äôs not always easy to recognize a caregiver. Caregivers range from the professional and paid to full-time non-professional caregivers to informal caregiving on a part-time basis. According to the Mayo Clinic, ‚ÄúAbout 1 in 3 […]