Our Blog

Healthcare Reform and New Jersey

Healthcare Reform and New Jersey As you may know, the Senate is currently debating healthcare reform.¬† The many amendments that are pending each require 60 votes to pass. We‚Äôve all witnessed much debate and questioning on this topic, what we aim to do here is breakdown some of the key issues as well as, discuss […]

SNAP to it! Nutritional Supports can help!

SNAP to it! Food Stamps can help if you‚Äôve got a limited income. Many Americans are feeling the effects of the economy, some are applying for public benefits they never thought they‚Äôd need. One such benefit, the former Food Stamp program, now called, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps to feed 1 in 8 Americans. […]

Senior Safety in NJ

Senior Safety Emergency Preparedness is often talked about in relation to terrorist attacks or natural disasters, but there are many other emergencies that we should be prepared for, such as a medical emergency, power outage or a fire. There are some simple things we can do to make sure our home and family are ready […]

Senior Freeze Update

For those of you who read our Summer 2009 issue of Renaissance/Aging Insights, we‚Äôve received confirmation in regard to the revision of the Property Tax Reimbursement Program (Senior Freeze).¬† Governor Corzine signed the bill on October 1, 2009, changing the eligibility requirement for owning a property from 3 years to 1 year. Let me explain: […]

We Want to Hear Your Story

With the release of the New Jersey Elder Economic Security Initiative, we‚Äôve learned that 1 out of 4 New Jersey seniors is living solely on Social Security, which makes it difficult to afford their basic expenses. Information in the Elder Index, indicates that it‚Äôs not your fault. If you or a loved one find yourself […]

What You Need to Know About H1N1 (Swine Flu)

Swine Flu- What you need to know. In the Spring of 2009 the swine flu, also known as H1N1, was reported in the United States, including in New Jersey. The symptoms are similar to the seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuff nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Some who […]


Welcome to the New Jersey Foundation for Aging Blog. We are pleased to present you with our blog as a new way to receive up to date information on aging issues. This blog will be updated bi-weekly, so please visit on a regular basis to see what’s new. Comments, questions and suggestions are always appreciated.